Reducing Your Personal Energy Use

Reducing your carbon footprint
For Individuals, here's a list of simple things you can do immediately
Turn it off when not in use (lights, television, DVD player, Hi Fi, computer etc.).
Turn down the central heating slightly (try just 1 to 2 degrees C). Just 1 degree will help reduce your heating bill by about 8%.
Turn down the water heating setting (just 2 degrees makes a significant saving)
Check the central heating timer setting - remember there is no point heating the house after you have left for work
Fill your dish washer and washing machine with a full load - this will save you water, electricity, and washing powder
Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need
Do your weekly shopping in a single trip
Hang out the washing to dry rather than tumble drying it
To keep the total rise in global temperature to 2 degrees centigrade, the world must average 2.8 tons per person for the next 35 years, and then can no longer use fossil fuels thereafter (or until the atmospheric CO2 dissipates in a few hundred years). The average current usage per U.S. person is 27 tons.
Links to Energy Use Articles
A General Guide to Becoming a Tree Hugger
Home energy use suggestions
15 Tips to Make Your Home More Green
The Top Green Home Building Techniques
Business energy use suggestions
Incorporating ‘Green’ Into Business Practices
Personal energy use - Change your diet
Making your diet more “green”
Culinary Resources for Vegetarianism
Eat More Plants to Improve Health