Our Purpose and Vision and Strategic Plan
Our Purpose: Nevada County Climate Action Now is a group of people dedicated to addressing global warming and its causes and effects through mindfulness, education, and action, and to challenging the systems that are creating global climate change. To fulfill this purpose, it is our intention to:
Inform and educate our members and the general public about the crisis of global warming and its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.
Stay connected with national and global grassroots organizations that are addressing climate change, and coordinate actions with these groups.
Initiate programs, forums, workshops, and retreats to deal directly with climate change.
Plan local and regional actions that help raise awareness, defeat denial, spread truth, and seek to limit greenhouse gas emissions, both locally and global.
Support actions which will influence climate policies at local, state, and federal levels.
Act in solidarity with vulnerable peoples who are experiencing the effects of climate change first and worst.
Our Vision and Guiding Principles:
We seek to be a community, open to all, that is guided by a vision of our planet healed and made whole.
We value an approach to our shared concerns that is non-violent, compassionate, and respectful of each person and of all life.
We see ourselves as a group of people who want to be engaged with others who care about the planet, see the crisis, and want to address these issues together.
We desire to be a community of persons that welcomes and respects a variety of viewpoints. We affirm in our process of decision-making an approach that is by consensus, where agreements that are made can be affirmed by all.
Coalition participants are encouraged to initiate ad-hoc groups or committees for addressing specific concerns or actions that are in keeping with the spirit of the Coalitionʼs stated purposes.
Leadership will be shared and rotated as determined by the needs and desires of the coalition.

Our Mission:
Expanding Nevada County citizen understanding of and engagement on climate change mitigation and adaptation issues.
Our Values:
~ Educating with scientific, peer-reviewed information
~ Building partnerships with civic and governmental organizations
~ Embracing respectful communication and collaboration
Our Vision:
NC-CAN looks forward to the day when clean and renewable energy fulfills the energy requirements of local, state, federal and world entities and the soil, water, plants, and animals are protected from the effects of our industrial culture. The result will be:
~ Sustainable, regenerative, and equitable communities (physically, economically, and socially healthy communities that contribute to a livable world)
~ An unpolluted earth that supports a diversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and provide habitat to support viable fish, wildlife, and plant communities
Our History:
Formed in 2013, NC-CAN has been active in public education through community meetings and children/ youth summer camps, organizing participation in demonstrations to stop climate change, letter writing on climate change subjects, and active support for local governments to implement 100% renewable energy policies.
NCCAN Committees - Objectives with proposed ongoing and next year actions
Steering Committee
Purpose: Coordinate NCCAN activities
Review and approve finances
Hold monthly meetings to coordinate and approve other committee actions
Yearly, review and produce strategic plan
Education Committee
Purpose: Educate Nevada County citizens on climate related topics
Objective 1: Provide Youth summer's Climate Change Agent camp
Present an educational camp that prepares youth for their role as collaborative climate change agents
Adapt each summer's Climate Change Agent curriculum to the current community needs, integrating character, community service, conflict resolution, sustainable development concepts, social justice, and specific service/advocacy goals, to nurture altruistic identities, especially among high potential and underserved youth
Agents to participate at farmers market and other community hubs
Gather evidence of students' outreach and service to the community (in newspaper articles, camp reports, photos or exhibits, creative works, writing samples, global wisdom exchanges, artifacts, and/or testimonials from presenters, parents, teachers, and students)
Report of any needed improvements
Objective 2: Community Education.
Present timely educational climate events with current research on topics relevant to Nevada County
Collaborate with other organizations, to present events and public opportunities for engagement (film series, forums, etcetera)
Communication Committee
Purpose: Present NCCAN to the public
Objective 1:
Maintain website (library and events), Facebook, Twitter, and newsletter (Constant Contact) platforms including any updates or changes to the platforms
Maintain email list of NCCAN participants
Coordinate outreach to the press and public
Review and respond to input from visitors to platforms, events, and other outreach
Schedule monthly Climate Connections articles and KVMR spots
Carbon Action Committee
Purpose: Promote initiatives that divert funds from fossil fuels
Objective 1: Address carbon reduction through fossil fuel and deforestation divestment and “green” investment.
Government - Nevada County, Nevada City, Grass Valley, and Nevada Irrigation District examination. Focus on employee retirement funds and government bond and cash holdings.
Identify how funds are currently invested - Example: NID employee retirement funds are held by theLocal Agency Investment Fund” under the California State Treasurer’s Office.
Identify and examine successful California city and county divestments.
Develop local county strategy in consultation and collaboration with As You Sow, Fossil Free California, Sierra Club and other local and State organizations concerned with divestment/investment.
Implement target divest/invest local campaign strategy.
Individual Retirement Divestment/Investment.
Maintain and expand website on invest/divest and carbon screening organizations.
Plan KVMR program on subject. Write one or two 3-minute editorial news pieces.
Write opinion piece for Union.
Utilize CAN mailing list for info pieces on 529s, Banking and Personal carbon screening
State 529 education ESG investment alternatives
Account holder letters to State investment committees requesting ESG alternatives and expanded options
Seek out national education opinion writers to address ESG 529 investments.
Banking and Individual Investments
Move Your Values campaign: Leaflet local residents to move funds from large bank carbon funders to local banks and make known reasons.
Research banks, carbon investments, and local banking alternatives to draw up materials for campaign in consultation with Net Zero Banking Alliance, Stop The Money Pipeline, Fossil Free California, Bankfwd, Bank.Green, and related organizations
Target initial campaign on one bank.
Expand and build local Invest/Divest Climate Action Now committee
Possible members – Lew Sitzer, Steven Elias, Sam
Objective 2: Lobby for National Carbon Tax and Dividend Legislation
Endorse and advocate for a carbon fee and dividend in National Legislation. Align efforts with Citizen Climate Lobby.
Educate CAN membership and public about pending carbon legislation.
Use CAN membership list to encourage and support citizen action and voice.
Clean Energy Committee
Purpose: Nevada County to eliminate fossil fuels as an energy source
Objective 1: Assist municipalities to obtain their Energy Action Plan goals of reduced electricity use.
Participate in EAP Community Working Groups to implement EAP goals
Inform our supporters and the community of progress in reaching the goals
Help initiate and foster a countywide Energy Action Plan Committee to coordinate efforts of the Energy Action Plan Working Groups
Participate in countywide Energy Committee meetings with the other organizations as they confirm tangible goals for various energy use sectors, and plans for implementation and timelines
Objective 2: Help the county and its cities to join a Community Choice Aggregation
Foster meetings with current CCAs to elicit proposals
Help educate public on CCAs
Support councils and Boards for passage of CCA ordinances
Objective 3: Adopt and help implement 100% renewable energy resolutions for Grass Valley and Nevada County
Prepare and help pass resolutions for 100% Renewable Energy, including goals and timelines
Identify sectors of the community who will be needed to participate to meet the resolution goals
Committee completes a countywide 100% renewable energy plan that will foster coordination of efforts to encourage lighting improvements, sprawl reduction, forest carbon sequestration, electric vehicles, local food consumption - while creating and sustaining new jobs and improving public health
Waste Not Committee
Purpose: Promote waste reduction and regenerative strategies for a Circular Economy
Objective 1: Inform and educate the community on the “new R’s” for all recyclable categories to reduce material and ensure reprocessing
Delineate the “new R’s” of Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Refill, Repair, Repurpose, Renew, Rethink, Remake, Regift.
Provide guidance to businesses and multi-family dwellings, in addition to residential, on recycling right and reducing contamination
Teach Sustainable Regenerative practices
Explain waste stream diversion reasoning
Update WM Facebook page and NextDoor consistently
Update WasteNOT webpages
Objective 2: Create Plastic reduction campaign for all sectors
Do proof of concept for projects like Rotary/NexTrex that demonstrate to WM the possibility, profitability, and cost effectiveness of recycling flexible plastics
Create and implement a marketing strategy for businesses to reduce non-recyclable single-use packaging with County business organizations, like Chambers of Commerce, Economic Resource Council, SBI
Offer alternative sources for single-use plastics for personal use, restaurants, and take-out facilities
Launch advocacy campaign on important bills and initiatives
Objective 3: Promote solutions to recycle green and food waste and retain in Western Nevada County as climate friendly bioresources
Green waste
Facilitate GHG and smoke-reducing solutions for recycling of green waste removed for fire safety and forest restoration initiatives in the county.
Conduct an awareness campaign to increase residential use of firesafe or local landscaping chipping services to reduce reliance on burn piles through education and/or incentives.
Assist Firesafe Council and/or County in procuring more resources to provide affordable alternatives to residential pile burns, like regular (6 times a year) free green waste drop-off events, increased use of subsidized chipping services, and secure central locations for green waste drop off.
Collaborate with local stakeholders (e.g. Firesafe Council, NRD, County, etc.) to create local processing capacity of green waste into mulch, compost or bioenergy.
Food Waste
Provide Alternative ideas, like composting, and collaborate with other groups to help single family residences comply with new law to remove food from trash
Explore providing education for multi-unit residences for food waste collection and composting