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City Renewable Energy Resolutions and Pledges



WHEREAS, Nevada City municipal government is responsible for promoting the health and safety of its residents, including access to clean air, clean water and a livable environment; and

WHEREAS, energy resources we currently utilize as a municipal government and community can significantly impact public health and safety, including the economic and social well-being of current and future residents; and

WHEREAS, scientific observation indicates that average air and ocean temperatures have steadily increased globally over the last 100 years due to the combustion of fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases,  evidenced by rapid levels of glacial melt, reductions in sea ice, and shorter freezing seasons; and

WHEREAS, Nevada City like all foothill communities in the Sierra Nevada, faces challenges associated with climate change, including increased frequency and altered timing of flooding, increasing reduced mountain snowpack, delayed snow accumulation, earlier snow melting and ultimately shortages in runoff and water supply that also may increase wildland fire risk; and

WHEREAS, local economies in the Sierra Nevada rely heavily on natural resources for tourism, recreation, forestry, agriculture and other industries, and changes in weather patterns resulting in significantly warmer temperatures have the potential to adversely affect the vitality of the region's natural resources, which in turn directly impacts local business; and

WHEREAS, the transition to a low-carbon community reliant on the efficient use of renewable energy resources and electrified transportation will provide a range of benefits including improved air quality, enhanced public health, increased national and energy security, local green jobs, reduced reliance on finite resources and myriad other positive outcomes; and

WHEREAS, Nevada City is committed to helping facilitate this transition alongside other national and international communities that have prioritized addressing climate change by investing in clean, renewable energy to enhance the well-being of current and future generations; and

WHEREAS, emissions from electricity generation are currently the largest component of both the municipal and community carbon inventories for Nevada City; and

WHEREAS, the Nevada City Energy Action Plan outlines a series of strategies to reduce energy consumption in residential and non-residential buildings as well as municipal facilities and operations, and is intended to provide guidance to City staff, and inspire residents and businesses to participate in community efforts to maximize energy efficiency;


NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of Nevada City does hereby resolve as follows:

Renewable Energy Goals:

  1. 100% Renewable Electricity by 2030 - Implement the City’s Energy Action Plan for electricity efficiency to reduce its use 28% by 2020. Ensure the transition to 100% renewable energy for its community electricity supply from PG&E and independent providers by 2030.

  2. 100% Renewable Energy by 2050 - Phase-out fossil fuels in all sectors including electrification of transportation and heating systems. Support Federal and State programs for major investments in clean and renewable energy, storage and grid infrastructure to ensure reliability and affordability.

  3. Progress on these transitions will be published at least every other year starting in 2018.


Resolution recently passed by South Lake Tahoe


WHEREAS, South Lake Tahoe municipal government is responsible to promote the public health and safety of its residents, including access to clean air, clean water and a livable environment; and

WHEREAS, energy resources we utilize as a municipal government and community significantly impact public health and safety, including the economic and social well-being of current and future residents; and

WHEREAS, there is scientific consensus regarding the reality of climate change and the connection between human activity, especially the combustion of fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases, and warming of the planet; and

WHEREAS, South Lake Tahoe is already feeling the effects of climate change locally through increased temperatures, changes in water systems, extreme weather events and other disruptions that threaten our economy, residents and overall quality of life; and

WHEREAS, the transition to a low-carbon community reliant on the efficient use of renewable energy resources and electrified transportation will provide a range of benefits including improved air quality, enhanced public health, increased national and energy security, local green jobs, reduced reliance on finite resources and myriad other positive outcomes; and

WHEREAS, South Lake Tahoe is committed to helping facilitate this transition alongside other national and international communities that have prioritized addressing climate change by investing in clean energy to enhance the well-being of current and future generations; and

WHEREAS, emissions from electricity generation are the largest component of both the municipal and community carbon inventories for South Lake Tahoe, making up more than 50% of all greenhouse gas emissions from both footprints; and

WHEREAS, South Lake Tahoe is currently renegotiating its franchise agreement with its electric provider (Liberty Energy), the details of which will be of critical importance to accomplishing our renewable energy goals and as such, the City will strive to encourage Liberty Energy to adopt renewable energy policies and goals.


NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of South Lake Tahoe does hereby resolve as follows:


Section 1. Renewable Energy Goals: The City will strive toward 100% Renewable Electricity by 2032. To reach this goal, the City of South Lake Tahoe will encourage the transition to 100% renewable energy by its local community energy supplier (Liberty Energy) by 2032; and the City will also endeavor to adopt policies to encourage 100% renewable energy for municipal operations by 2032, including 50% municipal renewable energy by 2025; the City will conduct thorough cost analysis of adoption of these goals by the end of 2018 and determine a funding source for the efforts. Publication of the City's efforts will be included the City's annual performance reports to the public.


Section 2. Community Carbon Emissions Reduction Goal: 80% by 2040. The City of South Lake Tahoe will strive toward the reduction of community greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2040, including a reduction of at least 50% by 2030. This reduction will be relative to the City's current emissions baseline records and data. Updated community greenhouse gas emissions inventories . will be published at least every three years starting in 2018.

Nevada County Climate Action Now

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